About Us
excitement and aspirations

On September 16, 2014, we witnessed the birth of Zen Massage, with excitement and aspirations.
Zen Massage was founded with a humble wish – to provide each of our customers a tranquil and comfortable environment where they can feel relaxed and carefree in enjoying the professional services of our massage therapists. We hope that all of you find Zen Massage a fine little healing garden where you can find peace and comfort amidst the hustle and bustle of the city, and become refreshed and rejuvenated after each visit.
Thanks to your continuing support, this humble wish has come true and Zen Massage has seen its opening of two branches in addition to its main shop in Causeway Bay. Your smile of contentment upon your enjoyment of our service is always the greatest reward and driving force to us. Keeping such meekness and sincerity in mind, we promise we will continue to walk with you with our quality service in the years ahead.
May you enjoy good health and great joy throughout the year!
二零一四年九月十六日,我們懷著既興奮又期盼的心情,見證著 Zen Massage 的誕生。
創立 Zen Massage,我們只有一個心願,就是希望每位光臨本店的客人,都可以在這恬靜舒適的環境中、按摩師細心專業的服務下,拋卻一切煩惱,舒展身心,在忙碌營役的都市生活中、心靈的怠倦裏,找到一個安舒的小角落,覓得片刻的舒懷和療癒,精神煥然,重新得力。
承蒙各位貴客的支持,這個小小的心願終於達到了。Zen Massage 除了總店以外,已先後開辦兩間分店。每次看見客人帶著滿足的微笑離去,就是我們最大的回報和動力。我們不敢自滿,只願可以親切的服務團隊,繼續為大家舒壓解勞,與各位同行。
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